Thursday, June 2, 2016

Summertime Safety

by Jacqueline Longo, June 2, 2016

Program Coordinator, Youth Leadership
The Governor's Prevention Partnership

The school year is winding down and young people are getting ready to relax and enjoy some summer fun with their friends and families.  At the same time, the summer months bring great risks to our teenagers. Car crashes are the number one cause of death in teenagers and the rates significantly increase in the summer months. This is from impaired driving, distracted driving, and reckless behavior.

Sometimes, too, parents and adults let their guard down over the summer months due to parties, vacations, and less hectic schedules which allows youth to have easier access to alcohol and have a greater risk of participating in risky behavior. Use this time to start talking with the teens in your life about impaired driving, reckless behavior, and substance use. Use the resources below to find out more!

View additional resources to speak with youth about the dangers of underage drinking and substance abuse.

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