Tuesday, July 19, 2011

American Osteopathic Association Calls for Public Education on Cyberbullying

PR Newswire (Chicago, IL) July 16, 2011

"Bullying has been an unfortunate, but real problem for generations. However, what used to be contained to the playground or classroom is now moving closer to home and becoming harder to escape due to the increasing popularity of social media. A recent survey on cyberbullying—the act of harassing or teasing someone over social media networks—by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) found that one in six parents reported having a child who had been bullied over social media. Recognizing the need to increase awareness of this behavior, members of the AOA House of Delegates voted today to support public education on cyberbullying during its annual business meeting.
The AOA's survey results showed that more than 52% of parents surveyed were concerned about cyberbullying. However, only one in seven had discussed this issue with their teenager's physician. This policy encourages osteopathic physicians (DOs) and parents of adolescent patients to have an open dialogue about cyberbullying and the lasting emotional damage that it can cause." Read More


  1. I always insist the parents that when they visit Chiropractor North Ryde so they must inform the real reason of the pains of their children because this thing is becoming very common and we need to provide the best possible care to our children to survive and grow in the society.
